PTM_ The evidence of enhancing the use of the English language in the curriculum


The S1 Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program has enhanced the use of English in various aspects, there are: implementing English in the classroom learning activities, applying the English based reference books and modules, implementing English in the daily conversations between lecturers and students – lecturers in the classroom group WhatsApp, implementing English in the student’s assignments and exams. In addition, it also organizes intensive English training in Pare-Kediri English Village in 2021, to improve the ability of lecturers in the implementation of English in teaching and learning activities.


Some documentation of activities to enhance the use of English shown below:

1.       The Implementation of English in the learning activities


The learning recording video can be accessed at the following link


2.     The Used of English-based reference books and modules

3.   The implementation of English in the daily conversations between lecturers and students – lecturers in the classroom group WhatsApp

4.      The Implementation of English in the students assignments and exams

Sample of student assignments in English language can be accessed at the following link

5.      Intensive English training in Kampung English Pare Kediri

Photo Documentation of English Training Activities

Certificate of Intensive English Training in Kampung Pare Kediri