Proof of Publication of Learning Evaluation to Students


The process of learning activities in the mechanical engineering education study program is carried out in as many as 16 meetings for a semester, including mid and final exams.

Based on the academic guidelines of the State University of Surabaya, the assessment of learning outcomes consists of four components, namely participation, assignments, mid, and final exams. The final grade of the course is determined by the following formula:


During the study, students get a return on their work. For example, assignments were given by lecturers. Then, corrections are made, and input is given related to their tasks. So that when the result is returned, students can find out the grades and comments from the lecturer regarding the assignments they have collected. An example of a task with the opinion can be shown in the image below:

Figure 1. Example of student assignment return with comments from the lecturer (red print)

Figure 2. Final exam results assessment and comments via Vinesa

Lecturers also do return the result in the mid and final exams. This return is a form of transparency in the assessment so that students can estimate the total value of the course. Early returning the work will motivate students to study, and they can discuss with the lecturer if they need more in-depth discussion, both assignments, mid and final exams.

The mechanical engineering education study program is currently trying to improve the system in delivering the results of course scores. The study program also seeks to display all the constituent scores in the final grades of the courses, namely the scores from each participation, assignment, mid and final exam through SIAKADU UNESA.

Figure 3. Score fulfillment

Figure 4. Display of course results scores

At the end of each semester, in addition to students getting the final results of teaching evaluations, students are required to fill out a questionnaire about lecturer evaluations in the learning process. Students assess the preparation, implementation and evaluation of learning during the lecture period. Lecturers can also access the results of student responses related to learning activities for one semester. Input from students will be used as material for evaluation/input for the mechanical engineering education study program to improve the quality of learning. Based on the results of student questionnaires, data obtained that each semester has increased. In 2019 it got an average score of 3.25, in 2020 it got an average score of 3.31, and in 2021 it got an average score of 3.37. This shows that the performance of lecturers has increased by paying attention to and following up on responses from students in the development of study programs. The results of the questionnaire for each semester can be seen in the image below

Figure 5. Lecturer evaluation results

Figure 6. Average of lecturer evaluation result at last 3 years